Saturday, January 16, 2010

Joy Planet

Artists Steal

Great Artist Steal, was once said.

Yep I am guilty. I have stolen from all over our planet...

I created my own vision, thoughts and ideas.

On could go so far as to say I stole from the creator or god.

Because our creator or god created the energy to create earth.

Thank you for sharing god !

Friday, January 8, 2010

Personal Motto

with your own source energy !
be nice
be creative
be yourself
don’t worry
be silent
be grateful can receive
manifest your personal life.
learn to organize and orchestrate your lifestyle.

My Story of Love & Joy

You can feel ‘Better or Worse’, that's all there is.

I have learned about my own source energy. “Self created stream of well being”. Realizing I could paddle upstream against the current. I quickly changed my direction going downstream with the flow. Surprised when I let go of my resistance, I felt better. Be brave, let the go of your oars!
Control your own creativity. Following your stream of well being.

During this process of well being I have found beautiful friendships. I consider myself blessed by my friends presence.

My upbringing was a wonderful one. Two very talented parents, who made sure my well being was protected. They gave me a sense of security and happiness. My feelings are every child should have this experience.

I have a very interesting life full of accomplishments and devoting my self to other’s wellness. Enduring some difficulties for the last several years. I found my self depreciating life. After deep prayer and meditation. I am now in appreciation. Wayne Dyer’s explanation, “a complete and full response of the heart to everything in the universe.” Appreciating life is the art of allowing.
Awakened to my purpose, my creative talents. The incredible truth is, you are responsible. Your creativity belongs to you alone. No one can take away the talents we, are graced with. If the creators left this earth much of the world as we know, would cease to exist. My dear lovely new friends if you ever feel badly or sad. Remember you are the very soul of existence, It is you that makes the world wonderful. Let no one tell you to be rooted to this earth like a tree. Go forth, create, be joyful, be grateful. Hug your children, kiss your special one, or just go pet your pet !
There is much love for you.

Please sign in and become a member of my blog and tell your story. Be creative with us.